St. Thomas Photos (Before Maria)

I hate that i have to write “these photos were taken of St. Thomas USVI before Hurricane Maria hit in 2017.” But, there’s a difference between then and whatever the now is that finds you here. The good news is that the vegetation grows quickly there — the growing season is all year around. And the people who live have the strength and determination to rebuild. Regardless, this is a smidgen of the beauty.

Here are a few views from Bolongo Bay (where’s Iggie’s bar is).

View from Bolongo Bay

Some tiny streets in Charlotte Amalie

There’s a scene in Revenge Cafe where Mandy goes shopping for a bra and shoes. I have never felt comfortable with the description of that scene because unless a reader had been there, he or she probably wouldn’t “get” the right visual. So, here’s the shopping street/alley I had in mind:

Dronningens Gade
Dronningens Gade
a jewelry store

Once you brave driving up the mountains, you get some beautiful views like the ones seen here:

View of Magen’s Bay
Looking over Charlotte Amalie into the harbor with Hassell and Water islands in the near distance.

And finally, yes, there really is a Duffy’s Love Shack!

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