
  • Quit Yer B*thcin’!

    I’m beginning to think social media should be a privilege not a rite. And I’m talking about for adults here, not 13-year-olds. Before you go thinking I’m getting curmudgeonly, hear me out. I am certain there are  people “out there” using FaceBook, Twitter, and whatever else (except Pinterest, because that’s holy ground) for devious means.…

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  • Celebrate Yourself!

    A writer friend of mine who’s been critiquing my most recent work asked me if I intentionally wrote about crazy people. “Seriously, do you close your eyes and open the DSM to a random page to pick out a form of nuttiness for your heroines?” I don’t. But I admit, it does sound like a fun…

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  • A Plane of My Own

    We’re closing in on a century since Virginia Woolf combined her notes from a series of lectures she held and then put together into an extended essay called “A Room of One’s Own.” While the essay really addresses the need for women writers to have a literal as well as a figurative space in order…

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  • National Clean off Your Desk Day

    Holy smokes! I just learned that yesterday, Monday, Jan. 14, 2014, was National Clean Off Your Desk Day. I’m excited and amazed because I actually did it without knowing I was supposed to. Perhaps I was feeling the vibe. Here’s the after picture:     Had I known I was celebrating a momentous occasion, I…

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  • Separation of Work and Family

    A good friend called the other day when I was walking my dog and she was driving her morning commute to work. It was a Thursday in a week from hell for her. She’s in a new position that was taking up more of her time and attention than she had expected. She had worked…

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