I make writing a book easy (and fun).

Need to establish credibility in your field?
Have a story inside you that just needs to get out?
Are you a business owner wanting to solidify your place as an expert in the field?
Do you have a life story that would make an empowering and inspiring memoir?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you’re probably thinking you need to write a book.
You might also be thinking that’s freaking hard, time consuming, or that you don’t know where to begin.
I promise, there’s nothing for you to worry about. Regardless of where you are on your book journey—just setting out, struggling to find a dock in the right harbor, or somewhere in between—I’ve got you covered.
Just tell me what you need: a Book Navigator, an Author Coach, Development Editor, Ghostwriter, or Book Doctor.
Not sure? Learn a little more and here:
If you’re here because you read one of my novels and want to learn more about that writing, click here (and prepare to be underwhelmed—that part of the site needs lots of love).
Honest, I’ll only send one email a month. I’ll talk about news from the publishing world that may effect your books and offer some helpful writing tips. Hopefully, I’ll make you laugh a little, too.