Thank you for visiting my site! As you can see I spend most of my time immersed in the world of books in some way or another.
When I’m not involved with someone else’s book, I write the kind of stories I like to read, which are funny ones (funny to me, anyway). I love humorous books that feature characters who, after you read the last page, you’re glad you got to know. To get really granular, I love funny books that showcase women supporting women. So that is what I try to create for you, dear reader, well, for you and me, because I tend to fall in love with the people who wind up on the pages of my books. The ones I don’t love, generally get killed off. But anyway…
I spent my formative years in small-town America, where I learned to amuse myself and others with tales about people we all wished lived next door (and some who really did). Now I bring those tales to light in novels and short stories featuring quirky characters experiencing sometimes inane circumstances and finding happy endings (yes, I’m a sucker for them).
My goal is to write entertaining and uplifting stories that also happen to celebrate the sometimes unnoticed but beautifully bizarre in life. Therefore, I don’t “do” slapstick, rely on violence, or create overly absurd situations to make you laugh, though I can appreciate it when other writers do that with skill. I’m also not a big fan of making fun of people or tearing them down, though I love to point out the ironies and just plain goofiness of human behaviors (my own included).
I truly hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them.
Thank you for stopping by my website!