Book Navigator

A book navigator provides the tools and resources to start writing and finish your book.

Lisa made writing [our] book a true joy. Or sessions were lighthearted and full of laughs. She did such a wonderful job of helping us capture our thoughts and bringing them to life on paper.

Dan Lemoin and Dr. Noel Abood
co-founders of re:vitalize Weight Loss and Wellness Center.
Authors of Fear No Food

As your Book Navigator, I’ll spend eight to ten hours with you to set the course of your manuscript. At the end of our session(s) together, you’ll hang up from our call with a clarity document and charted navigation for your book. Those tools will corral and keep organized

  • the core idea of your book,
  • what each chapter will discuss—the main ideas and supporting concepts in an outline form,
  • your target audience’s needs and pain points that will attract them to your book,
  • and how you will fulfill those needs or provide solutions for the pain points.

You will also be armed with practical guidance on

  • how to begin your book,
  • how to structure your chapters,
  • and how to write an introduction and conclusion—including what makes a great introduction a compelling lure to read the rest of the book, and how to incorporate irresistible calls to action in the conclusion.

Your Book Navigator will have guidance on how to write for your reader, not for yourself (and an understanding as to why that’s important). You’ll be given strategies to sail through the rough seas of writer’s block and imposter syndrome when they hit (most likely they will). And should you ever wind up in the writing doldrums, you’ll have a few inspirational practices to put the wind back in your sails.

Afterward, you’ll be off on your own adventure, writing your book yourself. Of course, I’m always around if you need a developmental editor’s eyes to take a look at it, or if you find you could use a little author coaching, check back in with me. No matter where you are on the journey, I can help you make it to your destination.

Once you have a completed manuscript, you may not know what to do with it. Again, connect with me. We can talk about your options and how to follow through on them.

Think this might be an interesting journey to take? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation!