
So if you’ve made it to this page, that means you’re wandering around this website probably thinking I need to figure out how to organize the bleeping thing. If so, you’re right.  It used to be a flashier place that looked just like every other author’s website. But then I wanted it to be different. I still do. I’m just still trying to figure out what that means and how it would look.

So, you just gotta bear with me for a little while. I know there is a variety of information that, eventually, I want to post here. But how it will be displayed is still in the design process. In the interim, I’m kind of compiling stuff here that will be the seedlings of whatever this site will grow into.  And those seedlings are:

Funny books — I meant it when I said I love to read funny books. So here are my reviews of some humorous ones written by other authors  that might be of interest to you.

Silliness — Jeesh, but I love silly things. Here’s a little of what I’ve found and some miscellaneous observations about life.

The stories behind the books — As anyone who has ever tried to write a novel can attest, the characters take on lives of their own. They develop a will of their own that propels the stories forward and off into other branches. Sometimes those branches help create other stories, and some of those feature what are often side characters of the main story. And that’s what you’ll find here.

These pages are still being built. Check back again, soon, to find out what’s here.

Atlantic City, NJ — AC is the hometown of Lucy McCool in Hitting the Sauce (and more books to come). It’s also one of my favorite small towns. Check out this page for pics and tidbits about America’s first casino city.

Philadelphia, PA — Philly is the hometown of Peri Milano in Show Up Dead (and more books to come). It’s also one of my favorite big cities. So this page is where you’ll find pics and tidbits about one of America’s oldest cities.

St. Thomas, U.S. Virigin Islands — St. Thomas is NOT the hometown of Mandy Breen in Revenge Cafe (and, that’s right, more books to come). It is, however, where she winds up making her home. It’s also one of my most favorite places on this planet. And here is where you’ll find cool stuff ’bout St. Thomas.

Coastal Ecuador — The area around San Clemente and San Jacinto, Ecuador is where my current work in progress is taking place. And that’s all I’m saying for now — you’ll just have to stay tuned for a different kind of book coming from me. In the meantime, here’s a little bit to whet your taste buds.

Recipes — For some reason, food has a heavy presence in my books. I guess you could say I’m a little obsessed with it. Anyway, because more than one person has asked for a recipe that was in a book, I’m starting to compile there here.

I hope to keep adding to this page. If you have any ideas for it, I’m all ears! What kind of fun stuff does the world need more of?